A sarcastic, slightly unprofessional medical professional talks the truth about wellness, weed, and Woodstock. Do supplements REALLY work? Are medicines REALLY the devil? How will my grandmother use recreational marijuana responsibly? Broadcasting from the most famous small town in the world - Woodstock, NY!

Friday Mar 12, 2021
#100 Hear Me Roar
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Neal had a stellar week immunizing over 3000 people in Ulster County, NY. He explains all the successes and hurdles he and his staff experienced across three days of intense clinics in three towns. With episode 100 comes a big announcement. Thanks for all the love and support!
Get in touch with Mark https://rtd-fitness.business.site/
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Friday Feb 26, 2021
#99 Happy New Year!?!
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Neal’s effort to vaccinate disenfranchised communities is getting some media attention, which is exciting and hopefully encouraging to others fighting the good fight. He and Daena also talk about the effect of painkillers on the efficacy of the vaccines, doing the math on Covid risk in a mixed vaccinated population, and love in the time of Covid- it’s a many splendored and risky thing!... Lotta risk talk today, folks.
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Friday Feb 19, 2021
#98 Neal Needs A Nap
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Neal has requested 10,000 doses of the Covid vaccine and it’s looking like he will get them so he and Daena go through the details of planning equitable and efficient distribution of that many doses. If you are a pharmacist, listen up! Daena got her second shot yesterday and is suffering a bit today, but there were some surprising precursors she noticed yesterday before the symptoms really set in.
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Friday Feb 12, 2021
#97 Second Dose of Covid Will Kick Your Butt
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Life is still hectic in the independent pharmacy world so Neal and Daena do a quick recap of how it's going with the second doses. The side effects are worse, people are getting flaky about showing up, the chain pharmacies have gotten involved, plus the task of maintaining a second dose stand-by list has Neal ready for a bourbon, of which he has A LOT.
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Friday Feb 05, 2021
#96 The Covid Vaccine Extravaganza, Pt 2
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Today, Neal continues his talk about the vaccine roll-out. He explains how extra doses are extracted from the viles, the shame of doses being wasted, how different groups will likely get their shots, vaccine brand loyalty, making sure doses make their way into minority communities, the pros of a single payer insurance system, and as an aside- his new dog.
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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Friday Jan 29, 2021
#95 The Covid Vaccine Extravaganza, Pt 1
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Covid vaccine distribution is underway and Neal has been doing an exceptional job getting as many people vaccinated in a timely fashion as he is capable with the doses he’s been allotted. He has held two clinics at the time of this recording and tells us all about the process for procuring doses and the technology issues he’s run into in dealing with both a limited supply and an elderly patient base less familiar with the internet. He also addresses the feelings of frustration and jealousy among those not yet eligible to be vaccinated, the lie about the federal cache of doses, and he explains how he went about picking his first 100 recipients.
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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Email questions to podcast@woodstockvitamins.com
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Friday Jan 08, 2021
#94 The Covid Vaccine: The Biggest No-Brainer Of Your Life
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Happy New Year, friends! Today’s show is from a live webinar that Neal hosted after he and his staff got their first doses of the Covid vaccine. So along with details of their various reactions, Neal talks about priority groups for the roll-out, explains vaccine profits, who stands to benefit if a vaccine fails, and gets into the ingredient lists for the vaccines available now.
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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Email questions to podcast@woodstockvitamins.com
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Friday Jan 01, 2021
#93 Best of 2020 (Isn’t That Sad?)
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
It’s a clip show! Dr. Neal and Daena listen back to some of the high points of the show from the year that wouldn’t end. Thank you so much for listening, thank you to the doctors who took the time to join us, and here’s to a happy and healthy new year!
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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Email questions to podcast@woodstockvitamins.com
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Friday Dec 18, 2020
#92 Don’t Fear The Covid Vaccine, Pt 2 with Ray Yip
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Today is part two of Neal’s conversation with global health specialist, Dr. Ray Yip. They cover the scale of the Covid vaccine trials and the reality of risk involved with all drug trials. Dr. Yip explains what antibody dependent enhancement and epigenetics are. He and Neal talk about cold storage, how long protection might last, Beijing’s response to Wuhan covering up the outbreak; and the most exciting news- when most of us can expect to get vaccinated.
The CDC adverse events page https://vaccine-safety-training.org/coincidental-events.html
The CDC safety concerns page https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/concerns-history.html
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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Email questions to podcast@woodstockvitamins.com
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Friday Dec 11, 2020
#91 Don’t Fear The Covid Vaccine, Pt 1 with Ray Yip
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
This is part one of two in Neal’s conversation with global health specialist, Dr. Ray Yip. He has a lot of encouraging news about the vaccine process for Covid-19. He explains to us how this vaccine was developed so quickly, the benefit of taxpayers subsidizing the process, explains the credentials of the CDC and the damage the corruption in the Trump administration has done to it, and goes into detail about vaccine trial phases.
Please check out https://www.woodstockvitamins.com/ and https://drnealsmoller.com/
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